Saturday, January 19

One of the finest love songs ever written...

... and the video is pretty damn beautiful too:

When I was putting together Tourniquet Heart for publication, I actually wrote to Nick Cave's record company to see if I could reproduce the lyrics as an actual "story" within the anthology.

It wasn't too expensive, but I left my response lapse and before I knew it the publisher was asking for the completed mss like, well, today.

Still kicking myself today - listen to the lyrics, they're just beautiful.


Peter Pan said...

Certainly one of Kylies greatest. And I say that as a dedicated fan of hers!

Anonymous said...

Chris, you are a man after my own heart, sir! :D

Chris said...

It definitely opened my eyes to Kylie - prior she was always some SA&W popette.

"Impossible Princess" remains probably my favourite album - Too Far is such a diversion, and Some Kind of Bliss is a very catchy pop tune.